
2020-2022 (expected)
Msc, Computer Science; KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
  • GPA: 4.7/5
BSc, Engineering Physics; KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
  • GPA: 4.7/5
Exchange semester; Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


Gjensidige Forsikring

Gjensidige is a leading Nordic insurance group listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange.

Formula Student

One of the largest engineering competitions in the world, where university teams design, build and compete with small scale race cars.


Tree-based Machine Learning for Insurance Pricing

As part of my bachelor thesis at Gjensidige I developed, tested and compared tree-based machine learning models on Gjensidige’s home insurance data set

For more info see: link

Developing a Camera-based Method for Measuring Blood Pressure

Researched the possibility of using a video camera and image processing in Matlab to measure blood pressure non-invasively. The project was carried out at KTH School of Technology and Health.

Report available here

Programming Languages

Python: I have worked extensively with Python both professionally and in academic contexts. I have experience using Python for data science through Numpy, Pandas, sklearn and seaborn, but also for larger software projects.

SQL/SAS: SQL and SAS is something I use almost everyday in my work at Gjensidige for querying from our large data tables. I am confident with writing complex queries and used to generate reports through SQL and SAS.

R: R is another language I have used a lot in my work, I have built machine learning models, performed analysis of large sets of data and developed libraries of functions, among other things.

I also have knowledge of C and Java through course work
